
November 16, 2017

Dynamics of culture

Thus, it proves the fact that all of the sociocultural phenomena continuously changing, or otherwise, are in a state of becoming. Recognizing the legitimacy of Heraclitus expression of eternal change, a scientist refers to a detailed analysis of the causes of this statement, wondering: where to find the roots of variability of sociocultural phenomena and how should we interpret it?

He cites established science answers this question. The first option allows the so-called (from the English. Externalism, external appearance that is outside) theory, which sees reason to change any sociocultural system in several “variables” that are outside the system. This theory he attributes and behavioral changes theory, psychological and sociological theory, the main principle.

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The second option is absolutely opposite to the first; he calls his theory of inherent sociocultural changes. When considering any sociocultural system, this theory states that the system is changing because of their own resources and properties, that his seed changes it brings.

Finally, the third he calls it an intermediate or integrated, the concept is considering changing any sociocultural phenomenon as a result of the joint impact of external and internal forces.

Among these responses leans in favor of the principle of immanent change each sociocultural system, supported under certain conditions and within certain limits principle. “The researcher said that the adoption of the principle of immanent change does not preclude recognition of the role of external forces in the transformation of sociocultural system which can contribute even more it changes. He believes that the reason for the change of any sociocultural system is in itself. The main factors causing changes characteristic of the socio cultural life, over time, result in any sociocultural structure to collapse. carrying the seeds of his change any sociocultural system brings the ability to form their own destiny, or his career. Fate or way of life of any system is the result of self-control and influence others forces; however, the more self-weight system, the higher the level of integration, the more powerful it is. The author writes: “as a rough indicator of such a vague concept as” energy “sociocultural system, offered next (less vague) set of criteria: the greater part of the system, the better its members in the biological, mental, moral and social terms; the more true wisdom, knowledge and experience are available; The more solidarity (or subsequently) integrated system the stronger it is, the more independent of the environment. And the more its own share of control in shaping their own destiny. “It just makes it clear that everything depends on the people, their experience and skills that comments are not needed.

In explaining the causes of the disorder in the culture indicates a loss of stability of the social system or cultural system. “Because sooner or later, due to the changes inherent inherently any sociocultural system, any system inevitably comes to the disorder,” fades “and breaks, social and cultural system of any society should worry transition and at the same time feel a growing wave of unrest. On the other hand, any new system, unless it is able to survive, must necessarily turn into a stable.”

The dynamics of culture describes as “inexhaustible diverse and ever new process of cultural development”, which consists of both inherently limited change in its systems and continuous replacement of obsolete systems are born again. “He writes about the rhythms and periodic repetition of inevitable transition periods that eventually “come to replace the atomization universalization and absolute values.” This will contribute to a pluralistic cultural space west and east, the fundamental openness and overcoming alienation crops. These judgments not lost its relevance.

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