
October 27, 2017

Cosmopolitanism Part 2

As a result of globalization. Social, economic, economic, political, financial, industrial and cultural fields caused by globalization processes that do not occur somewhere in an undefined space continuum and affect the individual and his personal life and therefore accompanied by changes in human need to expand its worldview. In a changing world people sometimes had to overcome professional and national public distinctiveness through the development of cultural heritage of humanity that is the condition of his new self-determination and self-assertion and gives it out by established earlier patterns of thinking and identification. The crisis of identity, spread throughout the world, characterized by enhanced search itself, the desire to overcome uncertainty, find saving identity, in the usual forms, in its new manifestations. The desire to preserve the identity of the former leads to the erection of barriers to the globalization that deprives people as emphasized by its enemies, the usual conditions of identity and preservation of identity.

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Used concept of global mentality seems, in our opinion, with the concept of a new cosmopolitanism, global mindset since approval is in the process not spread universal similarities, standards and norms lifestyle, introduction to the universal values of thinking and behavior”.

Nova position of the individual in contemporary society is a kind of metamorphosis, as opposed to previously existing types individualization when the individual was tightly tied to the traditional ties and social of forms, the so-called “centers of social networks (in and out of the education system in and out of the scope of wage labor, social and political fixing the retirement of society and so on. Who blocked or replaced family biographical rhythms), in the current context the individual is able to move from a given social biography – posed to themselves. For this he needs the active behavioral model, a kind of outlook that will go from the typical biography, typical of a country or civilization to constructed by him. In this approach, the social determinants of own individual life, are “external variables” that can be mitigated bypass, cancel, showing his own invention to choose your option compiling biographical construct.

Thus, globalization processes introduced innovative learning, work, communication, recreation and others. lead to the fact that “given the social biography is transformed into a self-posed.” The term “collection” W. Beck, in our opinion, successfully demonstrated the possibility of designing their own biography. In terms of the incredible expansion space coordinates professional activities, cancellation of many political and legal limits to this exercise, the release of pressure from national traditions, the possibility of assimilation and introduction to human culture beyond any limitation, lost a narrow territorial or regional binding and individual an opportunity to feel like a citizen of the world. This “biography increasingly released from his immediate life circle and called over the borders of countries and experience for some distance morals, potentially forcing the individual always form their own opinion. Plunging into insignificance, he at the same time allegedly stands on the paths of the universe. Meanwhile, a government (until) are in the national state structure, the biography has called global society. Moreover, global society is part biography, although this constant overload can withstand howling through its opposite: passing a deaf ear, simplification, blunting. In the above quotation processes marked Assisted constitution created “fragmented” great value mastering arsenal of human culture and the possibilities of its operation, allow the person to be included in all situational moments measured globally that, in fact, meaning is the concept of “cosmopolitanism”.

Identity is not defined and not defined traditionally, a reflective achieved through integration experiences in the context of self-biographical story, so far cosmopolitanism eliminates the problem of traditional national or regional identity and changed conditions is a new type of identity. Referring to the example. Famous modern philosopher, born in Bulgaria, and is currently professor of linguistics at the Sorbonne, feels: “I’m very close to the idea of cosmopolitanism, got European culture inherited from ancient Stoics and developed in the writings of French philosophers xviii century.” Commenting on this statement, we give a quote from William Beck, who, referring to the problems of cosmopolitanism, resorts to the concept of globalization biography: “Transnational polygamy in terms of residence, marriage different habitats belonging to different worlds – this entry gate globalization in private life they lead to globalization biography”.

Do problems distinction cosmopolitan. In globalization processes involved countries with different economic, political, social and cultural potential; respectively, and each individual extent of globalization are different and conditions of the cosmopolitan views vary. “The new globalized rich” have unlimited possibilities in the development and operation of space globalization of the world globalized culture. They tend to form cosmopolitan attitudes that differentiates as “cosmopolitanism subcultures upper floors of modern social hierarchy.”

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