
June 29, 2017

The morphology of culture

At the heart of every culture is its specific, which grows and real history of this culture. Every culture conceived as Spengler has a “soul”. Culture as becoming “soul” is pure possibility, but, taken as its “solid” implementation of spatially arranged objective forms, there was the reality. “The culture dies when this soul made without reserve all the possibilities in the form of peoples, languages, beliefs, arts, states, science, and thus returns to state”.

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Myths “formation of life” appears in constructions Spengler universal key to solving all cultures historically existed. Ripple “life” of the culture is to undergo its stages of birth, growth, aging and death, carried out in cooperation with the social forces that are constant companions history and in different clothes. Life is understandable only in the category of “fate” because it is “destiny” with its eternal through birth, growth, aging and death and asked them dedicated development of each culture. Thus, the interpretation of history in Spengler and inclined to mysticism, because “people who are under the spell of culture and revealed its inner form and in all its phenomena are not creators, and work of this culture.”

Thinker denies historical and cultural unity of humanity, calling it “hollow.” Do not drink it, and the scheme of division of the history of the ancient world, medieval and modern times. It offers a view of humanity terrible distance, take a look cultures that are similar to mountain peaks on the horizon. Only after these great cultures will be seen, feel and identified in its sense only if the nature and inner form of human history may be considered. Because only then it is possible to grasp the historical fact every picture, every thought, every art, every war, every person, every age. This confidence Spengler caused his convictions in total single soul of all components of each culture.

In world history, he distinguishes eight types of crops that have emerged at different times in the most remote areas of the world and reached the fullness of its development, Egyptian, Indian, Babylonian, Chinese, Arab-Byzantine (magic), GR (Apollonian), Western European and Mayan culture. During the appearance is the Russian Siberian culture. Apart from these, there are not reached maturity culture, whose role is small. More in Pego analyzed Culture: Greco-Roman, Byzantine, Arab and Western culture.

Culture, like the body, has a through most rigid unity, and isolated it from other similar cultures. It is unique and original, which is manifested in philosophy, art, political structure, and more. The researcher denies the phenomenon of cultural continuity and interference, although notes that “every budding man and every living culture always have around them infinite number of possible influences, of which as such are allowed only a few, overwhelming their number does not pass. He holds selection – the act or the people? “. Not the content transferred, but only the form itself. Therefore Spengler, for example, about the philosophy of Aristotle argues that they should write the story of “three Aristotle”, namely, Greek, Arabic and Gothic, which has no overall concept, no consensus. The lack of continuity it demonstrates in detail on the history of Roman law, claiming that the Arab right assimilated alien imposed on them literature in the only form that could be relevant to their own attitude; What if the ancient right of citizens created the PA based on practical experience, an Arab from God, announcing it through a spirit called and enlightened. The history of Western law begins quite independently of the preceding. So we should not talk about continuity, and about three stories right, interconnected elements only linguistic and syntactic forms.

In connection with the approval of Spengler tightness allocated to them “local” cultures clearly recorded so-called paradox Spengler, wittily observed Aron as Spengler claims the description of the fate of cultures.

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