
October 9, 2017

Friedrich Nietzsche’s idea of eternal return Part 1

The texts of Friedrich Nietzsche require interpretation, as a mask, hiding some character conceptual construction. One of them – the idea of eternal return, which, according to many scholars of Nietzsche, and remained not completely clarified concept. The idea of eternal return expressed by him in “Thus spoke Zarathustra,” there are several allusions to the “Gay Science” and references to “Beyond Good and Evil” and “Ecce Nomo.” In the parable “About three transformations” Nietzsche tells of the gradual transformation of the human spirit: how the spirit becomes a camel, the camel a lion, and finally the lion becomes a child. Like camel, human spirit assumes is the most difficult, but there is rebirth: the spirit becomes a lion and now wants to gain their freedom and be master in his own desert. But they won values inferior to other values – integrity and oblivion, thus ravenous lion becomes a child. This parable can be interpreted as the ascent of man through revaluation of all values, like wheel to the initial motion for a new beginning and approval.

Image result for Friedrich Nietzsche's idea of eternal return Part 1

By interpreting the idea appealed Heidegger, linking it with another major and original concept of his philosophy – the will to power, which in Nietzsche is the main feature of all things. It is this being, according to M. Heidegger, is not infinite, the forward movement of a particular purpose; it is a constant will to power, restores itself in nature. G. Deleuze proposed interpretation of Nietzsche’s idea of eternal return is linked to the concept of cyclical patterns old, returns are not the same, but excellent, which claims will be different. And M. Heidegger and G. Deleuze saw in the concept of Friedrich Nietzsche highest form of strengthening the fullness of life, which is possible only if the repetition that brings joy differences and diversity of life.

In Nietzsche different ideas at different times received very controversial. Here are a few authoritative judgments. (Economic materialism presented by Marx and abstract Tolstoy). Without going into a detailed coverage of how domestic thinker interprets the idea of the superman, give only his opinion on the fact that “the completeness of man as an organic type does not contradict recognized us the truth in the human desire to become bigger and better their reality, or become a superman.”

Other domestic thinkers began XX century. LS Frank praised the idea of superman as the supreme moral value expresses the cultural development of the human and ethical system described Nietzsche as “the ethics of love to far.” Reading the book “Thus spoke Zarathustra” shocked its atmosphere depths of spiritual life, spiritual Bourne from which it emanated.

Most of the ideas of Nietzsche was popular in the artistic medium. Many modifications have taken place in the artistic culture of the XX century. can be considered in the light of ideas that were perceived not only as artists next program, but as time proved, proved quite a prophet.

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